Train vocabulary with Lang Chatter!

AI-powered web application for helping people learn new words and improve their language.

On both ...

... and mobile

Why conversation-based learning works

Real-world Application
Words learned through conversation have a 78% higher chance of being used in actual situations compared to list memorization
Context Enhancement
Words learned in conversation are retained 2.5x better than through rote memorization
Low Stress Environment
Chat-based learning reduces anxiety by 60% compared to traditional classroom settings, leading to better information absorption
Full Focus
Combining reading, writing, and contextual understanding activates multiple brain regions, improving memory formation by 40%

Most popular languages

Talk about everything!

Talking about Pets and Animals
In this conversation, we'll discuss your favorite animals, pets you have or would like to have, and experiences with animals.
an animal lover who enjoys talking about pets and wildlife
Travel Experiences and Destinations
In this conversation, we'll discuss your favorite animals, pets you have or would like to have, and experiences with animals.
an adventurous traveler who loves to explore new places
Introduction to the Stock Market
In this topic, we will discuss what the stock market is, how it works, and its importance in the economy. We will cover basic concepts such as stocks, shares, and trading.
a financial advisor
Free schedule
No shame
Easy to use
Low cost


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